Monday, December 11, 2006

"nice experince"

i was having my weekend in pg.. n when i'm taking bus from pg bec mlk, i meet an accident..~!!

the carelees bus driver cause the bus fall down 90degree b4 rawang there.. it's around 3.15am while all passenger is having their nice sleep.. same 2 me but i dunno y tat time i suddenly woke up n saw all tis happen.. i m the last row wif single seater.. so, my seat is a bit hinger n allow me to c clearly wat's happening..

actually tat time all the car slow down d as front there got accident happen.. but my bus still going fast n then baru emergency break.. when he know cannot make it, he turn the steering.. n then the bus fall down to my left side.. two men beside me oso fall down on me.. lagi got ppl step on my leg 2times.. damn pain le.. i shout out..

all the front passenger come out from the bus wif the small hole infront.. else, me come out wif emergency door.. i'm the 1st person go to open the door n ask them go out 1st.. the door is damn tight, used a lot of energy to open it..

after i jump down from the bus, both of my hands n legs keep shaking.. memeng sudah terkejut.. my backside my left hand r a bit pain.. n i think my face oso got bengkak coz of knock by somethings.. but me overall still ok la.. bout 2ppl sent to hospital.. but nth serious la.. ohya, our luggage tat put at the bottom of the bus all kena petrol.. busuk betul.. luckily my bags din content clothes..

i din inform my mum.. normally i reach mlk around 5-6am, so i miss cal her around 6am.. so tat she wun worry me.. after tat, i reached mlk around 8.20am, i plan to let her know but i bro say no nid wor..

really a unforgottable experince.. @_@
**tmr take note newspaper.. if got, pls inform me..

yung, dun take konsortium liao la.. damn dangerous, tat day i saw newspaper, oso konsortium accident if i not mistaken..


yung . said...

AIYERRRR!! i going back tonite de u stil cal me c b4 i come bac.. >.< i very sked lar now.. T_T

WeiMen said...


Luckily nothing happens on you...

God bless you...