Friday, December 01, 2006

belated pr3s3nt

here come my another bday present from my housemate n frenz..

c the helmet so yeng, v called it as "baja hitam" helmet.. lolz.. it's a helmet from LTD (the brand of most comfortable helmet i had wear) n wif sticker of HONDA (they told me is limited edition wor)..

but it's so nice till i'm not willing to wear it as i oredi lost 3 helmet since i come to MMU.. tmd~!! who the F*** owalys curi my helmet? one of the helmet is oso a gift from my best fren during my secondary sch time.. tat's y i duwan buy or wear so nice helmet d.. but anyway thk for the present ^.^

*KiKi, i knoe u get the helmet for me rite? thk oo..

1 comment:

yung . said...

wahlaoo helmet sumore got limited edition sumore.. isit so that when go out won't wear same helmet v ppl ar.. =P